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Best Activities in Senior Living Awards 2023

Honoring top-rated senior living activities

Our Best Activities in Senior Living Awards celebrate assisted living, memory care and independent living communities that go above and beyond in offering activities that engage residents socially, physically, mentally and emotionally. Our awards recognize communities with at least six website reviews from residents and families that average at least 4.5 stars out of 5. THIS CONTENT IS FRM THE "Best Activities Hero" feature. IF THIS CONTENT IS UPDATED, YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO UPDATE "Best Activities in Senior Living Awards" FRM "AWARDS PAGES" POST TYPE.

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Best Activities 2023 Awards criteria

Get at least six reviews on APlaceforMom.com

Attain a 4.5-star rating or better in the activities review category

Offer assisted living, independent living, memory care, or skilled nursing in the United States

*Based on online reviews and ratings collected from APlaceforMom.com during the awards period of April 25, 2023 to June 2, 2023.